Our Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is not publicly available for security reasons. All data from the CRDF Threat Center is confidential, non-commercial and subject to a confidentiality agreement.
CRDF Labs is now marketing a simple and precise offer to meet specific customer needs (commercial use or without equivalent CTI exchange). CRDF Labs' activity is still non-commercial, as we have a completely free offer that gives access to the same data.
In the private area of the CRDF Threat Center, you will get unlimited and unconstrained access to our Threat Intelligence. Without this access, you will not have full access to our Threat Intelligence.
In particular, you will have access to:
Private data is accessible free of charge to IT security professionals who meet our criteria and have passed the background check. The CRDF Threat Center is a totally non-commercial, independent and completely French project (to learn more about us, click here). We publish our data for free in order to protect the vast majority of our users.
By being independent, we are also financially independent and we invest our own financial resources in CRDF Labs. Most of the IT security professionals who use our data give us data in exchange so that we can survive. However, the operating costs (infrastructure, finances, projects, electricity, ) of our lab are expensive.
CRDF Labs still offers private access for companies that wish to exchange data and without the mandatory donation. This does not change anything for our partners.
Below you will find a comparative table of access to our private data that allows you to choose according to your situation.
For greater simplicity and depending on your structure, we propose several offers which you will find below:
The access procedure involves just a few simple steps:
Please note that CRDF Labs never deviates from its validation process. In the event of a non-mutual exchange, only CRDF Labs' terms and conditions prevail (the signature of our own NDA is required and we do not sign anyone else's NDA) (thank you for reading this). If you are unable to sign our NDA and answer our background check, we will not be able to continue the validation process.
Please consult the table below for your specific situation. Please note that a data exchange (Cyber Threat Intelligence) is mandatory in the "Free+Exchange" offer. Without this equivalent exchange, we won't be able to offer you free access to our data, and will in fact make you a commercial offer.
Public | Free+Exchange | Company | Individual researcher | |
Background check (?) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ads/Tracker List (?) | ||||
Database of malicious URLs (complete and incremental database) | - | |||
Possibility to download the forensic database (> 5 Gb of data) | - | |||
Access to the forensic tool (?) | - | |||
Custom queries on the forensic tool | - | - | - | |
Feed of newly registered domains | - | |||
Machine learning technology to predict future and current threats (?) | - | |||
Comprehensive WHOIS database | - | |||
Unlimited API requests | - | |||
API version (?) | Public methods only | All private methods | All private methods | All private methods |
Free access | Commercial version | Commercial version | ||
Non-commercial use of data from the CRDF Threat Center | Commercial use with +150 EUROS / month | Commercial use prohibited | ||
Non disclosure agreement mandatory | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mandatory data exchange | No | Yes | No | No |
Free, API key required | Free with CTI exchange | Non-commercial use: 200 euros / month 2200 euros / year Commercial use: 350 euros / month 3850 euros / year | 30 euros / month 360 euros / year | |
This form allows you to send a request for access to private data from the CRDF Threat Center. Please note that your information will be verified and that we will proceed with a background check.
Any unjustified request will not be processed by our services and your request will be ignored. Similarly, if this request does not concern a request for access to our private data, please do not use this form.